It is advised that you use a blank DVD or USB as the contents on it will be deleted in the process. A blank DVD and DVD burner or USB with a minimum space of 4GB is required to create media.There should be enough space to store data on the computer or a USB drive for download.You can easily perform a clean install, which means instead of your apps and files being transferred they will just be stored in a folder by name Windows.old, if you think the option suits you, then you would require the below things: The Windows 10 ISO download is complete.Ī Windows 10 ISO download could also be performed from the disk image.

Now you can Save the ISO in whichever location you prefer to save it and the media creation wizard will download the file for you. On the next screen, you need to click on the ISOFile radio button and once again click on Next. Once you have made your selections you need to click on Next.

In the next step of Windows 10 installation, you need to select the language, the version of Windows that you want and if you want the 32 or 64-bit architecture or both of them. In order to make an ISO file for Windows 10 on the first screen of the wizard, you need to select Create installation media for another PC and then click Next.

The wizard will direct you through the whole process to download Windows 10 ISO. You simply need to download the Media creation tool EXE file and run it. There are a couple of ways to download Windows 10 ISO for free. Media creation tool is pretty simple to use. It is pretty simple to download Windows 10 ISO, just follow the steps mentioned below. The tool is incredible and has skipped the waiting line for you and has an Upgrade to Windows 10 right now. You can install the ISO file easily from the media creation tool of Microsoft. Windows 10 is out in the market for everyone to grab and if you are eyeing to make a clean install instead of using the Windows Update, Microsoft has made ISO files that can be downloaded for the new functioning system.