If you want to re-order the profiles you’ll need to edit the settings.json file. You can add a new profile, select to duplicate the existing Powershell and Command Prompt profiles, then make the changes mentioned below.

Next, if you’re on the Windows Terminal Preview, adding the new options is a little easier than the older versions since it lets you duplicate existing entries.

Depending on your version of Windows, you can run: winget install gsudo To get started, you’ll want to install the gsudo app from GitHub. Add Admin CMD Command Prompt in Windows Terminal While there’s not a direct way to do this, there is a workaround you can use to add the options for an admin command prompt and admin Powershell window. One limitation of Windows Terminal was that you couldn’t open an elevated/admin command prompt or Powershell window. Windows Terminal is a handy new app available in the Microsoft Store – Windows Terminal that allows you to open multiple tabs of Powershell, Command Prompt (CMD), Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and others.